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    F10 Aerosol Fogger (single use), 500ml

    Brand: F10

    The F10 Aerosol Fogger is single use canister is used for complete room disinfection (approx 30-35 cubic metres) of any type of commercial or domestic premises. Simply place the canister in the room and activate the fogger for quick, easy and effective disinfection. The F10 will be expelled and dissipate throughout the room within 10-20 minutes, efficiently disinfecting walls, surfaces, ceilings and hard to reach areas of the room.

    Use the F10 Aerosol Fogger as part of regular or seasonal cleaning programs, or to thoroughly disinfect an entire room following a potentially infectious outbreak.

    We recommend that the F10 Aerosol Fogger is used only as a part of a complete cleaning and disinfection program, rather than a stand alone disinfection product.

    NB: Note that use of this product is similar to a “bug bomb”, where no humans or animals should be in the room while the product is active. This is due to the propellent in the canister, rather than the F10 content itself.

    Benefits of using F10 Disinfectant Aerosol Fogger:

    F10 Aerosol Fogger contains a high concentration of F10SC Disinfectant, thus offers excellent overall pathogen kill.

    In addition, bacterial kill times will be exceptionally fast.

    F10 Aerosol Fogger offers a quick and convenient disinfection option where necessary.

    Fogging reaches parts of rooms that regular cleaning/disinfection often do not. This is particularly useful when dealing with any type of airborne pathogen.

    SKU: 115

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